The nature and function of pallet and container management has changed radically, especially in light of today’s increased emphasis on cost containment and reduction. What were once expendable shipping platforms are now accountable parts of the supply chain. When properly managed, these necessary expenses become assets that contribute to the bottom line.
Today more than ever, Sales, Marketing and Finance departments up and down the corporate chain require data on all these assets to make their departments run more efficiently and profitably.
On-site Audits
PALNET on-site offer a quick analysis of your pallet supply and replacement program. Conducted as an extension to your own organization, an audit of your entire program provides the insight to identify problems and their solution.
The audit process includes evaluating your current procedures and practices, conducting interviews with your employees and watching your operation from beginning to end to completely understand it and offer real time improvements and cost savings i.e. pallet supply, identifying pallets in need of repair, profiling the loss of equipment and discovering inefficiency in operations.
Failing to manage these sub-optimal conditions can often mean the difference between profit and loss.
High-volume on-site audits
Most successful retailers, manufactures and distribution facilities in high-volume environments have a large number of pallets both inbound and outbound. PALNET has extensive experience with high-volume pallet program needs. PALNET’s high-volume program can completely control inventory (providing huge savings in both employee and operational costs), improve safety, increase warehouse space and free up revenue streams for buy programs.High-volume on-site audits include:
- Basic Program Services at single and multi-location operations
- On and off site sorting
- Dock sweeps
- Repair
- Supplemental supplies including pallet supplies, fork lifts, etc.
- Waste remove
- Reports such as PALNET’s proprietary Accu-track report
- Inventory control
Multi-tier audits
PALNET takes a multilevel approach to auditing of both small and large businesses, phasing in a number of components.
The first phase is a total program audit. Your current pallet program is reviewed for effective internal use, transport and distribution system processes. Supplementary audits, such as Individual Plant Requirements, will be undertaken as needed. Routinely audited programs include:
- Waste Stream Analysis
- Unit Load Sourcing Optimization
- Billing and Payment Control
- Inventory Control
- Transportation Logistics
- Reverse Distribution
- Returns
- Purchasing System
- Waste Management